Thursday, April 19, 2012

Possible Paper Articles

Here are some links to a variety of articles you could use for your paper on explaining and evaluating an article's argument. I strongly recommend using one of these articles, since many (the first 8 in particular) contain bad arguments:
  1. Down With Facebook!: it's soooo lame
  2. Is Facebook Making Us Lonely? generational I'M-SPECIAL-ism
  3. Do Fish Feel Pain?: "it's a tricky issue, so I'll go with my gut"
  4. In the Basement of the Ivory Tower: are some people just not meant for college?
  5. Study Says Social Conservatives Are Dumb: but that doesn't mean they're wrong
  6. A New Argument Against Gay Marriage: hetero marriage is unique & indispensable
  7. Ben Stein's Confession for the Holidays: taking sides on the war on christmas
  8. Get Over Ferris Bueller: it's an overrated movie

  9. You Don't Deserve Your Salary: no one does
  10. The Financial Crisis Killed Libertarianism: if it wasn't dead to begin with
  11. How'd Economists Get It So Wrong?: Krugman says the least wrong was Keynes
  12. An Open Letter to Krugman: get to know your field
  13. Consider the Lobster: David Foster Wallace ponders animal ethics
  14. Are Dolphins People?: an ocean full of sea-people
  15. The Dark Art of Interrogation: Bowden says torture is necessary
  16. The Idle Life is Worth Living: in praise of laziness
  17. Should I Become a Professional Philosopher?: maybe not (update)
  18. Blackburn Defends Philosophy: it beats being employed
I Could Read All These


  1. I have a few questions about the paper...

    1. Does it have to address one of the articles listed here?
    2. If not, does the article have to be about a serious issue?
    3. Where do you get all these cat pictures?

  2. 1. No, but you have to get an outside article approved by me (mostly to ensure the author of the article is actually making an argument, not just reporting facts).
    2. Nope!
    3. The nexus of the internet.
