Saturday, March 17, 2012


The midterm will be held at the beginning of class on Tuesday, March 20th. It's worth 15% of your overall grade, and will cover everything we've done in class so far:
  • definitions of 'logic,' 'reasoning,' and 'argument'
  • evaluating arguments (Chapter 6)
  • types of arguments:
    -deductive (aim for certainty, are valid/invalid and sound/unsound) (Chapter 8)
    -inductive (generalizing from examples, are evaluated based how large and representative the examples in the premises are) (Chapter 7)
    -args about cause/effect (correlation vs. causation) (Chapter 7)
    -args by analogy (evaluated in terms of how similar the things compared are, and how relevant the similarities are to the conclusion being drawn) (Chapter 7)
    -abductive (inferences to the best explanation, evaluated in terms of coherence with background theories, simplicity, predictive power, falsifiability, etc.) (Chapter 12)
  • the 11 fallacies covered in class so far (Chapter 5)
Get to studying!
Philosoraptor Disapproves of This New Lazy Rival


  1. That midterm was super hard.

  2. Sounds like a great learning opportunity!

    "The formal study of complex systems is really, really hard."

  3. Everybody should start randomly recommending extra credit for everything.
